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/ Ocean Life 5: The Carribean / OceanLife Volume 5.iso / pc / file.dxr / 00467_Bitmap_OCTPU01.PIC (.png) < prev    next >
Bitmap Image  |  1996-08-26  |  308KB  |  640x480  |  8-bit (159 colors)
Labels: earth | octopus | poster | sheep | tabloid
OCR: MOLLUSCS Cephalopods The subgroup of molluscs collectively known cephalopods includes the squid and octopus, as well as two other groups not found in the Caribbean: the cuttlefish and the nautilus Cephalopods have the most highly evolved ner- vous and brain systems 01 any invertebrate and it has been suggested that their use color and body shape consti- tutes form iT language addition their bodies have 1OF4 subqroup